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Strength for Today

Writer's picture: elleenocpselleenocps

Updated: Jul 20, 2020

Someone told a lie. A Big FAT lie!

Someone lied ABOUT me. Someone I trusted.

When someone lies about you and you find out, something about them dies within you. An established trust has been broken. We have one thing to give which is a fundamental part of who we are, there is no price tag attached to it: Our Word. Do what you say you will do. That sounds so simple but it is not as simple as it sounds. I hate being lied to!

People tell you that they love you, but they don’t. They love how you make them feel or they love what you can give. They should look out for your best interest and they should not take advantage of you. We share our hearts and allow people to become a major part of our lives and they prey on us and use the opportunity we have given them to share in the most important aspect of our lives, “our families”.

When someone deceives you, don’t lose heart. They have revealed who they truly are and that should be a comfort because the deception is now over. The most difficult part however, is trying to restore your reputation. This could also be an eye-opener to how people feel about you and how well they really know you. This time of hurt and disappointment must be used to slowly and methodically shrink your circle. Not everyone deserves to be a part of it and now you have the golden opportunity to “clean house”.

I have felt the sting of betrayal once too many times and it’s almost like a death. Cry and weep for the loss of the friendship, honesty, and the façade they put up which has now crumbled. Take a look at yourself and re-evaluate your own priorities and what you desire in a friendship and do not lower those standards. Pray that you do not allow the deceit to become bitterness and taint the relationship you share with others.

For the “heavy lifting”: Please do not slander this person’s reputation. You must take the high road. A lot of times when situations like this happen we feel the need to retaliate by sharing intimate details we know of the person. You might actually be an example to them because of how you react. Sometimes such relationships can be rebuilt and if that is your case, move forward with the greatest caution. Otherwise, use the experience and only allow people in your circle of friendship who will treasure that gift.

My gift to you: When we are deceived, thank God that you have discovered the truth. We, Sierra Leoneans’ have a saying, “99 Day’s for the thief and 1 day for the man of the house” Translation: Be sure your sins will find you out. Turn every heartache into a lesson well learned and learn from the heartache. That, my friend, is the gift for today.

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